- WordPress Website with WooCommerce Set Up.
- Custom WordPress Theme developed for your website.
- Custom Graphics for your website.
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization); The WordPress Custom Theme has a built in Meta Data box that displays Meta Description and Meta Keyword fields for each Post / Page / Product.
- Mobile Friendly (Laptops, Tables & Phones).
- Built in Blog Functionality; WordPress has a built in Blog section that is separate from the rest of the website. You can call it whatever you like, such as Cookie Blog or News.
- JH Web Designer can help you with adding in your products to WooCommerce system.
- Online Menu using WooCommerce
- Easily display your Menu online for your customers.
- Separate your Menu into Categories for your customers to navigate.
- JH Web Designer can help you by Adding/Updating/Deleting your Menu items.
Website Development Requirements
- You must have a domain name. If you do not have one I can help establish your domain name for you.
- You must have your own Web Hosting & SSL Certificate. I can help with this process as well, along with setting up your Web Hosting, SSL Certificate and installing the WordPress Application.
Turn Around Time
1-2 weeks for developing your site. Building the foundation of your site doesn’t take long to do, however this depends upon how long it takes you to send over any content that would be used for your site. The longer it takes you to send over details, such as for each of your menu products, the longer your site would take to develop. Needless to say time is of the essence.
Payment for your Website Design & Development project must be paid in full and upfront. With an offer like this one and the amount of work involved on my end, payment in full and upfront is non-negotiable.
About the Custom WordPress Theme
JH Web Designer has developed a WordPress theme that is always compatible with the latest version of the WordPress application. The way it’s been developed the core functionality never has to be updated. This theme is also unique compared to any other WordPress Theme is that it can be fully customized for you by going into the core files and editing them to suite your business needs. The Custom WordPress Theme also includes a number of features built right into the theme that normally you would need additional WordPress Plugins to be installed. The Custom WordPress Theme Features: Meta Data Box (Meta Description and Meta Keywords), Google reCAPTCHA v3, Widget Areas – Header, Footer and Contact Us, Widgets – Contact Us and Social Icons and a Contact Us form.
Website Example…
- Website Homepage
- Website Menu Categories using WooCommerce
- Website Product Detail Page
- Website Blog
Added Bonus
- 1 Graphic Design Project for FREE. Your choice of Brochure Design, Flyer Design or Logo Design
- 6 Months of Website Maintenance for FREE after your website is up and running. After that I will charge you $25.00 / per hour for Website Maintenance.
- As a client of mine and you being a Cookier or Cookie Artist, You’ll get FREE Royal Icing Transfer Designs & Cookie Card Designs.